- I know this is probably old now because my sis-in-law showed it to ME a couple of weeks ago. It may not even be cool anymore, but I have to share it with you - it makes me smile. Plus, I'm a mom now. I'm allowed to do "uncool" things, right? ;)
Hmm...video doesn't want to embed, so here's the youtube link.
- And then, of course, there's this lady. She always makes me laugh. And this particular post was very cute.
- I wish I could've had a video camera or at least a voice recording of my trip home with my kiddos this afternoon from preschool. Amelia Jayne was trying out her sounds, saying, "Ah, ah, ah, ah." Xander was starting to get frustrated, so I asked him what an "A" says. He laughed and said, "ah, ah, ah, ah!" Amelia Jayne loved his mimicking and she started giggling, which got him even more excited and into it. They were echoing each other back and forth and giggling at each other, all the while staring at each other and smiling. It was almost as if they were having their own conversation. It was one of the sweetest moments I can remember. I'll treasure that one in my heart.
- This next bit of information doesn't make me laugh, but it makes me very happy! My bestie, Isabel, and her family (husband and son) are coming to Charlotte tonight to hang out for the weekend! Yippee! She lives in TX and I rarely get to see her. In fact, I haven't seen her since October 2010. I'm so excited!