TV show - Cupcake Gemma on YouTube
Movie - Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
Song - Hello by Adele
Musician - Adele
Food - watermelon
Candy - Dots
Toy - Mooncake (her unicorn stuffed animal)
Activity - Art
Cereal - Chocolate Cheerios
Vegetable - carrots
Drink - milk
Game - playing school with friends and stuffed animals
Book - Everyone Loves Cupcake by Kelly DiPucchio (followed closely by Everyone Llves Bacon)
Restaurant - Chick Fil A
Holiday -Christmas
Animal - unicorn
Color - Turquoise
Vacation - the Beach
Sport - gymnastics
If you could change your name to anything, what would it be? Unicorn-tastic
If you could have anything you want this year, what would it be? "A real unicorn!”
What do you love most about Mommy? "That she loves me."
What do you love most about Daddy? "That he loves me."
What do you love most about Xander? "That he plays with me sometimes."