I'm soooo excited!!! I received a wonderful surprise last weekend from my mom and Ame. They're taking me, Becky and Erin to New York City this fall!! I cannot wait! It's going to be an awesome girls' weekend with some of my favorite people. And considering I'll be 26 weeks pregnant at the time, it will probably be one of the last girls' weekends I'll have for awhile!
We're planning on going to some broadway shows while we're there.

The details are still being worked out, but it will be so great!
As for our other activities, I'm not sure what we'll be doing. We've all been to NYC before, so there's really no need to hit all the tourist attractions. I certainly could see them again because they truly are amazing, but we'll just have to wait and see. Honestly, it doesn't matter too much to me what we do as long as we're doing it together.
We leave on November 8th and return on the 11th. I've never been to NYC in the fall. I definitely think I'll like it :)

What fun! You should see Phantom while you're there. And I hear Curtains is great, too. David Hyde Pierce is in it.
While I'd love to be Meagan, I'm really Julie. Apparently some little imp has been at my computer... :)
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