Today is National Wig Out Day!
"The Library Journal posted an article about Charlotte Mecklenburg Library last week. It outlines what the library system has gone through over the past couple of years. A very long article, but from what I can tell as an employee, very accurate. It's been a roller coaster, that's for sure.
Here's a Kindergarten Readiness Assessment by Dora to see if your child is ready to go to school.
My baby is about the size of a bell pepper! Not Xander, the new one. :)
I read today's section in The One Year Book of Praying Through the Bible. Here is the prayer I read and one that I hope will bring you comfort. I pray this for the people of Joplin and the many other places that have been devastated recently.
Lord, you are the God of all comfort. How grateful I am. I pray that your unfailing love will comfort those who need it and that your tender mercies will surround them. These dear ones need your Spirit's tenderness today. May they experience you in the midst of their pain, and please touch them with healing today.
"God's mercy is boundless, free, and through Jesus Christ our Lord, available to us now in our present situation." - A.W. Tozer
Now let your unfailing love comfort me, just as you promised me, your servant. Surround me with your tender mercies so I may live, for your law is my delight.
Psalm 119:76-77
Friday, May 27, 2011
Xander's favorite apps
People often comment on how well Xander uses the iPad and iPhone. He's been using my iPhone since he was about 10 months old and has used my iPad from the day I got it. It helps that Apple makes very intuitive products, but I do think Xander is pretty gifted when it comes to technology. Probably most kids are these days - there's just so much of it around!
Here are a few of Xander's favorites:
Elmo Loves ABCs (for iPad only) - this is his newest favorite
Scout's ABCs - see my earlier post about this one
My First Puzzles
Itsy Bitsy by Duck Duck Moose
The Wheels on the Bus also by Duck Duck Moose
Forest Friends
I Hear Ewe (he doesn't care for this one much anymore, but this was the first app I got for him - it's free.)
But probably more than anything (except possibly Elmo) he loves to play ANGRY BIRDS! Yes! That is one of his favorites and he can play it for (probably) hours (if I let him). He plays the original Angry Birds, Angry Birds Rio, Angry Birds seasons, even the free versions! He loves it!
Here are a few of Xander's favorites:
Elmo Loves ABCs (for iPad only) - this is his newest favorite
Scout's ABCs - see my earlier post about this one
My First Puzzles
Itsy Bitsy by Duck Duck Moose
The Wheels on the Bus also by Duck Duck Moose
Forest Friends
I Hear Ewe (he doesn't care for this one much anymore, but this was the first app I got for him - it's free.)
But probably more than anything (except possibly Elmo) he loves to play ANGRY BIRDS! Yes! That is one of his favorites and he can play it for (probably) hours (if I let him). He plays the original Angry Birds, Angry Birds Rio, Angry Birds seasons, even the free versions! He loves it!

Thursday, May 26, 2011
I've learned a valuable lesson in the past couple of weeks. I'm NOT super-mom. I wish I was. I strive for that and sometimes even long for it. But I'm just not. I have to remind myself of this often and give myself credit for the things I do right. When I do things wrong, my goal is to learn from these mistakes and move on. There's no point in beating myself up or living in the past. Tomorrow is always a fresh start. This very moment can be a fresh start!
I think I really realized this almost two weeks ago. David was out of town and I was trying to do everything for everybody, but I just couldn't do it. I had gone to church on Sunday and was supposed to attend service at 9:30, serve at 11, stay afterward to set up for BabyD, eat lunch with the gals and their kiddos, make sure everything was ready, stay for BabyD at 5, leave at 6, and get home around 6:30. How in the world was I supposed to do all that with Xander? I didn't have David to help me watch him and I didn't think through all the small things that turn out to be big things. First of all, David was out of town and had been for 5 days. Xander missed him and was struggling with not having Daddy around. Xander hadn't napped well all week due to scheduling conflicts. This was a bad combination. Anyway, the day did not turn out the way I planned. I ended up serving at both services, Xander saw me multiple times and finally on the fourth time he broke down because I wasn't coming to get him. I ended up leaving after serving for the 11am service and didn't go back. I didn't help set up for BabyD, I didn't help out during it or clean up afterwards. I felt awful. I felt awful because I knew I couldn't be everything for everybody, but I really wanted to be! I'm weak and I realized that. It's so hard to admit that - weakness. I don't like to and I wish I didn't have to, but the great thing is that God's grace truly is sufficient.
9 But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me. 10 That is why, for Christ’s sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong. (2 Corinthians 12:9-10, New International Version)
Earlier this week I was talking to my bestie, Isabel. It hit me - why am I so hard on myself? Why don't I give God a little credit, let him have the glory and delight in my weaknesses so that his grace can shine through? She reminded me that not only do I work part-time, take care of my husband and child and the house we live in, serve at church, maintain relationships with friends and family, but I also have another very important job right now. I'm growing another human being inside of me. That's a big job and one I forget about on occasion. I don't really forget I'm pregnant, but I do forget how much that can take out of a woman!
My week typically looks like this:
I think I really realized this almost two weeks ago. David was out of town and I was trying to do everything for everybody, but I just couldn't do it. I had gone to church on Sunday and was supposed to attend service at 9:30, serve at 11, stay afterward to set up for BabyD, eat lunch with the gals and their kiddos, make sure everything was ready, stay for BabyD at 5, leave at 6, and get home around 6:30. How in the world was I supposed to do all that with Xander? I didn't have David to help me watch him and I didn't think through all the small things that turn out to be big things. First of all, David was out of town and had been for 5 days. Xander missed him and was struggling with not having Daddy around. Xander hadn't napped well all week due to scheduling conflicts. This was a bad combination. Anyway, the day did not turn out the way I planned. I ended up serving at both services, Xander saw me multiple times and finally on the fourth time he broke down because I wasn't coming to get him. I ended up leaving after serving for the 11am service and didn't go back. I didn't help set up for BabyD, I didn't help out during it or clean up afterwards. I felt awful. I felt awful because I knew I couldn't be everything for everybody, but I really wanted to be! I'm weak and I realized that. It's so hard to admit that - weakness. I don't like to and I wish I didn't have to, but the great thing is that God's grace truly is sufficient.
9 But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me. 10 That is why, for Christ’s sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong. (2 Corinthians 12:9-10, New International Version)
Earlier this week I was talking to my bestie, Isabel. It hit me - why am I so hard on myself? Why don't I give God a little credit, let him have the glory and delight in my weaknesses so that his grace can shine through? She reminded me that not only do I work part-time, take care of my husband and child and the house we live in, serve at church, maintain relationships with friends and family, but I also have another very important job right now. I'm growing another human being inside of me. That's a big job and one I forget about on occasion. I don't really forget I'm pregnant, but I do forget how much that can take out of a woman!
My week typically looks like this:
- twice a month I have a meeting with women from church to discuss curriculum and gather materials, usually a half to all-day meeting
- clean
- all this with Xander while attempting quality time with him
- dinnertime once David gets home around 5:30
- family time until Xander goes to bed around 8
- misc. chores/time with David
- bedtime at 10
- errands
- clean
- all this with Xander while attempting quality time with him
- dinnertime once David gets home around 5:30
- family time until Xander goes to bed around 8
- misc. chores/time with David
- bedtime at 10
- small tasks in the morning
- meet Mimi or Grandma for lunch and drop off Xander
- work until 6
- small group from 7-9 (or 9:30 or 10...:))
- bedtime at 10
- work all day
- date night
- work all day
- pick up Xander
- short time with Xander before bed at 8
- misc. chores/time with David
- bedtime at 10
- Usually full with miscellaneous tasks/activities
- church
- serve every other week at church
- time with family
That's a full schedule! And of course I have to find time in there to spend time with extended family, friends and other commitments that pop up. I have to remember that I'm not really a stay-at-home mom. Because I work two and a half days out of the week I have to schedule my time so that I spend good quality time with Xander while I'm with him. I don't want to constantly be cleaning, doing chores or grocery shopping when we're together. However, those things need to be done, too, so I have to prioritize depending on the week and what all is going on. It's a tough job!
I love being a mom and wife more than anything else in this world. I never knew how hard it would be or how rewarding it is at the same time. I certainly couldn't do any of it without God's grace.
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Xander has fallen in love...with his stuffed dog, Scout. This dog is absolutely his first love. He takes Scout everywhere! He wants to sleep with him, take him to the store, take him outside (which I quickly and firmly denied since the first time he went outside he was covered in grass), eat with him (also not a good idea - Scout sits far away from Xander when he eats), and ride with him in the car no matter where we're going. He keeps tabs on him, too, and needs to know where he is at all times. He loves this dog!
Scout is made by Leap Frog and is pretty darn cool! You can plug him into the computer and program him to say your child's name, load in his favorite food, color and animal, and then Scout will talk and sing to him. You can also choose songs without words - some of Xander's favorites are "Jingle Bells" and "She'll Be Coming Round the Mountain." He sings songs about your child, too, tells your child he loves him, etc. All your child does is push the buttons on Scout's paws. It's great!
David and I got Scout for Xander's first Christmas in 2009. Xander really didn't care much about him at the time, but we've kept him in the toy bin. We pulled him back out about two months ago and Xander hasn't put him down since!
I learned early on that Scout's sounds have to be turned off when Xander goes to sleep. One night he was up until about 10pm (when I was headed off to bed) just listening to Scout talk and sing to him. When I put Xander down to sleep I tell him that Scout has to go night-night. I'll go in the next morning and Xander will say, "Wake up, Scout! Mommy, turn sounds on."
Xander will give Scout spontaneous kisses, hugs and tell him "I love you, Scout." When Xander brushes his teeth at night, we have to take turns with Scout. He also pretends to feed Scout different foods. It's so funny!
I bought an app for my iPad that's called "Scout's ABC Garden." Xander loves to play that game, mainly because he gets to see his friend, Scout, or Scout's female counterpart, Violet. We also have a Leap Frog video that Grandma gave Xander called "Numbers Ahoy." Xander calls it "Numbers A-boy" and asks for it most mornings. He has the Leap Frog "Leaptop," too, which allows you to program emails and information on it. Scout runs that show, too.

Some might call it an obsession, but I prefer to see it as love! It could be worse. At least he's learning things while playing with Scout. Educational toys are the best!
David and I got Scout for Xander's first Christmas in 2009. Xander really didn't care much about him at the time, but we've kept him in the toy bin. We pulled him back out about two months ago and Xander hasn't put him down since!
I learned early on that Scout's sounds have to be turned off when Xander goes to sleep. One night he was up until about 10pm (when I was headed off to bed) just listening to Scout talk and sing to him. When I put Xander down to sleep I tell him that Scout has to go night-night. I'll go in the next morning and Xander will say, "Wake up, Scout! Mommy, turn sounds on."
Xander will give Scout spontaneous kisses, hugs and tell him "I love you, Scout." When Xander brushes his teeth at night, we have to take turns with Scout. He also pretends to feed Scout different foods. It's so funny!
I bought an app for my iPad that's called "Scout's ABC Garden." Xander loves to play that game, mainly because he gets to see his friend, Scout, or Scout's female counterpart, Violet. We also have a Leap Frog video that Grandma gave Xander called "Numbers Ahoy." Xander calls it "Numbers A-boy" and asks for it most mornings. He has the Leap Frog "Leaptop," too, which allows you to program emails and information on it. Scout runs that show, too.
Some might call it an obsession, but I prefer to see it as love! It could be worse. At least he's learning things while playing with Scout. Educational toys are the best!
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Funnies from the little man
Me: "Xander, where does mommy work?"
Xander: "At the yabbity." (yabbity means library)
Me: "Where does daddy work?"
Xander: "In his car."
I never thought about it, but we rarely go to David's office, yet every morning we talk about Daddy going to work and Xander always mentions his car and oftentimes we watch him drive away. It only makes sense that Daddy works in his car. :)
Xander loves basketball. As in, he's obsessed. He will make anything into a basketball and use anything as the ball. He always talks about "putting it in the hole." The other day he had a little ball and his stacking boxes. Each of the boxes has a letter on it. David and I were sitting on the floor with him when he said, "Put it in the A-hole!" I didn't think I would stop laughing over that one.
He's so used to electronics and toys that make sounds and move on their own, that he doesn't really understand "old-fashioned" toys that don't do those things. This morning he called me in the living room and said, "Mommy, fish stick!" (which is what it sounds like when he says, "Mommy, fix it!"). He was playing with some tractors that he got from Mimi and Papa. They don't move without you making them and they make no noise. I told him that it's fixed and that these toys don't make noise. He said very matter-of-factly, "Needs batteries."
Xander has quite the memory. I tend to talk to him (probably incessantly) when we're together, especially at the store or when running errands. We went to the grocery store together a couple of weeks ago and I was trying to remember that David had asked me specifically to get some sausages to grill out and some grapes for his lunch. I kept telling Xander, "Don't let mommy forget. We need to get grapes and sausages for daddy." Yesterday we were at Costco together and out of the blue Xander told me, "Get sausages for daddy." I started laughing and told him, "Thanks for reminding me, buddy." :)
Xander: "At the yabbity." (yabbity means library)
Me: "Where does daddy work?"
Xander: "In his car."
I never thought about it, but we rarely go to David's office, yet every morning we talk about Daddy going to work and Xander always mentions his car and oftentimes we watch him drive away. It only makes sense that Daddy works in his car. :)
Xander loves basketball. As in, he's obsessed. He will make anything into a basketball and use anything as the ball. He always talks about "putting it in the hole." The other day he had a little ball and his stacking boxes. Each of the boxes has a letter on it. David and I were sitting on the floor with him when he said, "Put it in the A-hole!" I didn't think I would stop laughing over that one.
He's so used to electronics and toys that make sounds and move on their own, that he doesn't really understand "old-fashioned" toys that don't do those things. This morning he called me in the living room and said, "Mommy, fish stick!" (which is what it sounds like when he says, "Mommy, fix it!"). He was playing with some tractors that he got from Mimi and Papa. They don't move without you making them and they make no noise. I told him that it's fixed and that these toys don't make noise. He said very matter-of-factly, "Needs batteries."
Xander has quite the memory. I tend to talk to him (probably incessantly) when we're together, especially at the store or when running errands. We went to the grocery store together a couple of weeks ago and I was trying to remember that David had asked me specifically to get some sausages to grill out and some grapes for his lunch. I kept telling Xander, "Don't let mommy forget. We need to get grapes and sausages for daddy." Yesterday we were at Costco together and out of the blue Xander told me, "Get sausages for daddy." I started laughing and told him, "Thanks for reminding me, buddy." :)
Friday, May 13, 2011
All the babies...
My friend Crystal just announced her pregnancy a couple of weeks ago. I'm so excited for her! I have so many friends who are pregnant right now. Out of five couples in my small group, one being Crystal and one being me, four of us are pregnant! Here's the break-down of all my close pregnant friends, when they're due and if they're having a boy or girl:
Julie - June 4 (not finding out)
Angela - June 17 (girl)
Veronica - July 29 (boy)
Amanda - August 15 (not finding out)
Lisa - Sept 2 (not finding out)
Kristen - Sept 14 (girl)
Naphtalie - Oct 2 (boy)
Emily - Oct 30 (I find out at the end of May!)
Crystal - Nov 8 (?)
This is not even to mention all the other people I know who are pregnant including my neighbor, tons of facebook friends, and a few of David's friends! It must be the time of life I'm in for all these pregnancies to be happening at the same time. So much fun - but so crazy, too!
Julie - June 4 (not finding out)
Angela - June 17 (girl)
Veronica - July 29 (boy)
Amanda - August 15 (not finding out)
Lisa - Sept 2 (not finding out)
Kristen - Sept 14 (girl)
Naphtalie - Oct 2 (boy)
Emily - Oct 30 (I find out at the end of May!)
Crystal - Nov 8 (?)
This is not even to mention all the other people I know who are pregnant including my neighbor, tons of facebook friends, and a few of David's friends! It must be the time of life I'm in for all these pregnancies to be happening at the same time. So much fun - but so crazy, too!
Naptime Nosebleed
Sweet Xander. I woke him up from his nap the other day, only to find this:
I look back over the pictures and they don't really seem that bad. I'll tell you, though, it seemed bad when I turned on the lights! I didn't know what had happened! After checking him over from head to toe, I realized it was a nosebleed, thank goodness. Poor little guy!
I look back over the pictures and they don't really seem that bad. I'll tell you, though, it seemed bad when I turned on the lights! I didn't know what had happened! After checking him over from head to toe, I realized it was a nosebleed, thank goodness. Poor little guy!
You're the reason I believe in love.
"From This Moment On"
From this moment life has begun
From this moment you are the one
Right beside you is where I belong
From this moment on
From this moment I have been blessed
I live only for your happiness
And for your love I'd give my last breath
From this moment on
I give my hand to you with all my heart
Can't wait to live my life with you, can't wait to start
You and I will never be apart
My dreams came true because of you
From this moment as long as I live
I will love you, I promise you this
There is nothing I wouldn't give
From this moment on
You're the reason I believe in love
And you're the answer to my prayers from up above
All we need is just the two of us
My dreams came true because of you
From this moment as long as I live
I will love you, I promise you this
There is nothing I wouldn't give
From this moment
I will love you as long as I live
From this moment on
Okay, I’m a little embarrassed to admit that I like this song by Shania Twain. However, it popped in my mind this morning and I couldn’t get it out of my head! I instantly started thinking of David and how this song really reflects my feelings for him. I love him so much! But how amazing is it that our heavenly Father loves us even more! That got me thinking about how so many love songs can be sung to our Lord and Savior. Read the lyrics again and think about that. As much as I think of David when I read these lyrics, I can’t help but think of Jesus even more and the joy He’s brought to my life.
I’ve been missing David the past couple of days. He left for New Orleans on Wednesday and won’t be back until Monday. I really miss him and it’s only been two days. It seems silly, but then again, many of my feelings seem silly these days. However, I realize when we’re apart how thankful I am when we’re together. I love him so much. He’s my best friend, my confidante, my supporter and my love. I praise God for the gift He gave me in David.
From this moment life has begun
From this moment you are the one
Right beside you is where I belong
From this moment on
From this moment I have been blessed
I live only for your happiness
And for your love I'd give my last breath
From this moment on
I give my hand to you with all my heart
Can't wait to live my life with you, can't wait to start
You and I will never be apart
My dreams came true because of you
From this moment as long as I live
I will love you, I promise you this
There is nothing I wouldn't give
From this moment on
You're the reason I believe in love
And you're the answer to my prayers from up above
All we need is just the two of us
My dreams came true because of you
From this moment as long as I live
I will love you, I promise you this
There is nothing I wouldn't give
From this moment
I will love you as long as I live
From this moment on
Okay, I’m a little embarrassed to admit that I like this song by Shania Twain. However, it popped in my mind this morning and I couldn’t get it out of my head! I instantly started thinking of David and how this song really reflects my feelings for him. I love him so much! But how amazing is it that our heavenly Father loves us even more! That got me thinking about how so many love songs can be sung to our Lord and Savior. Read the lyrics again and think about that. As much as I think of David when I read these lyrics, I can’t help but think of Jesus even more and the joy He’s brought to my life.
I’ve been missing David the past couple of days. He left for New Orleans on Wednesday and won’t be back until Monday. I really miss him and it’s only been two days. It seems silly, but then again, many of my feelings seem silly these days. However, I realize when we’re apart how thankful I am when we’re together. I love him so much. He’s my best friend, my confidante, my supporter and my love. I praise God for the gift He gave me in David.
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Dinner with friends
On Saturday, some friends of ours, Veronica and Sabino, came over for dinner and an afternoon of fellowship and fun. We had a great time! It was so nice to have them over and enjoy their company. They brought me some flowers for Mother's Day, David had brought me some that day as well, and he had bought a bouquet for Veronica, too! This year is kind of her first Mother's Day although next year's will be even better! She's six months pregnant right now, so we'll meet Caleb Alexander at the end of July.
Veronica and Sabino brought Xander a stuffed Elmo that's bigger than he is! I can't believe I didn't get a picture of that. I'll have to get one soon and post it. Xander absolutely loves it! In fact, it's in his bed right now. I have a hard time lying in his bed with him at night because of that stuffed monster!
Sabino marinated some beef ribs and shoulder that he and David grilled outside. It was awesome! We had hummus and carrots, a salad, some couscous, and bread to go with it. Then we had brownies for dessert - David and Sabino's favorite!
It was so much fun. I'm glad to have such great friends. Some pics of the food and flowers are below. Next time I'll think to get pics of the people too. :(
Friday, May 6, 2011
I've had some concerns recently about having a second child. I'm very excited and can't wait to meet this baby face to face and kiss those little hands and toes, but I know this time around will be completely different. This time I have Xander. I know it will take time for Xander to adjust to a new baby - we'll all have to adjust. I also know this new person will change my relationship with Xander. Not necessarily in a bad way, but I know it will change. And that's been really hard for me to deal with lately. I love my little boy. And I love the relationship we have. Many people's concerns are that they won't have enough love for their second child. Everyone I've talked to says their love doubles instead of splits. I'm not concerned about loving this new baby - I already do and I know that this child will be special, too. I'm just worried about the way my relationship with Xander will change. I won't have as much one-on-one time with him. I won't be able to meet his every need in the instant that he "needs" it. He won't be able to count on me in the same way that he's used to. And then I think about how good that might be for him. And for me. It's good for him to learn patience and putting others first. But what hard lessons those are to learn, especially for a two year old! But what better time to learn, I guess, right? I have a difficult time seeing my little boy sad and I'm so afraid that by having this second child that I'll be causing much of his sadness. I hope that won't be the case. I hope he falls in love with this baby just like I have.
I found this article by Jennifer Bingham Hull on staying close to your firstborn once the second child comes along. She shares some good tips. There's another article on the same website called Second Child Survival Tips. I'm also considering buying her book, Beyond One: Growing a Family and Getting a Life. She seems pretty down to earth, and the way I've been feeling lately I sure could use some encouragement!
David has been really great about all of this. I'd been holding in all of these feelings and not sharing them with anybody, not even David. The other night I was so upset and I broke down, telling David about all the fears I've been having and how hard it is for me to think about changing Xander's life so drastically. The thing I love about sharing these feelings with David is that no one else can understand this like he can. The only other parent Xander has is David. He knows our son as well as I do and he knows me, too. I'm not saying he understands me, but he knows me. :) And his encouraging words helped me feel like we can do this. We're going to be together and so we'll do this together.
I found this article by Jennifer Bingham Hull on staying close to your firstborn once the second child comes along. She shares some good tips. There's another article on the same website called Second Child Survival Tips. I'm also considering buying her book, Beyond One: Growing a Family and Getting a Life. She seems pretty down to earth, and the way I've been feeling lately I sure could use some encouragement!
David has been really great about all of this. I'd been holding in all of these feelings and not sharing them with anybody, not even David. The other night I was so upset and I broke down, telling David about all the fears I've been having and how hard it is for me to think about changing Xander's life so drastically. The thing I love about sharing these feelings with David is that no one else can understand this like he can. The only other parent Xander has is David. He knows our son as well as I do and he knows me, too. I'm not saying he understands me, but he knows me. :) And his encouraging words helped me feel like we can do this. We're going to be together and so we'll do this together.
Thursday, May 5, 2011
Big Boy Bed update
Xander's still doing really well with his big boy bed. He loves it! He's slept in it every night and I've only put him back in his crib for one nap in a week and a half. That day I knew he wasn't going to sleep but I needed a few minutes to get some things done and I had no way to keep him in his room. As of Saturday, we now have that worked out. We bought child-proof door knob covers and attached them to the inside of his doors (he has two).
On Saturday I worked and David had Xander. David had put Xander down for a nap when I called to check on them. David said he couldn't hear Xander and figured he must've fallen asleep. After we got off the phone David went to check on him. He found him driving his toy car in our bedroom! Apparently he decided he didn't need a nap and would rather play in Mommy and Daddy's room, his favorite place to play. :)
Thankfully he hasn't figured out the door knob system - either how to work it or how to take them off. I give that about 6 more months, but by then hopefully he'll be a little more obedient about staying in his room.
On Monday night, for the first time, he asked to sleep in his crib. (We're not taking it down since we're going to use it for the new baby in the same room and move Xander to his new room.) I explained to him that the crib is for babies and his big boy bed is for big boys like him. That satisfied him and he didn't want to sleep in the crib anymore. I personally think it was his way of making excuses to stay up a little longer. He's getting pretty good at that, too. :)
On Saturday I worked and David had Xander. David had put Xander down for a nap when I called to check on them. David said he couldn't hear Xander and figured he must've fallen asleep. After we got off the phone David went to check on him. He found him driving his toy car in our bedroom! Apparently he decided he didn't need a nap and would rather play in Mommy and Daddy's room, his favorite place to play. :)
Thankfully he hasn't figured out the door knob system - either how to work it or how to take them off. I give that about 6 more months, but by then hopefully he'll be a little more obedient about staying in his room.
On Monday night, for the first time, he asked to sleep in his crib. (We're not taking it down since we're going to use it for the new baby in the same room and move Xander to his new room.) I explained to him that the crib is for babies and his big boy bed is for big boys like him. That satisfied him and he didn't want to sleep in the crib anymore. I personally think it was his way of making excuses to stay up a little longer. He's getting pretty good at that, too. :)
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
I'm not having twins, but I kind of wish I was if only to see them have a conversation like this.
Baby appointment
Xander and I went to the doctor on Monday to check on the baby. Xander was so good! I really couldn't have been prouder of him. He sometimes acts out or gets really clingy when he's in a new place with people he doesn't know, but he was actually very friendly and didn't have a problem with the strangers at all. I was so pleasantly surprised.
We got to hear the baby's heartbeat and all is well! My blood pressure is good. I've been a little concerned about that because I'm not taking any meds for it this time, like I did with Xander, and the doc said he will keep an eye on it in case it gets high. I've had chronic hypertension for a few years and went off my meds to try to regulate it with exercise about a year and a half ago. It's been good since then, but I wasn't sure how pregnancy would affect it. So far, so good!
I go back to the doctor on May 31 and we'll have an ultrasound at that time and hopefully find out the sex of the baby! I can't believe it's coming up so quickly!
Xander still doesn't have much understanding of what this is all about. He still points to his own tummy when I ask him where the baby is, but he's at least getting used to the idea of us talking about a baby. I've been holding babies as often as I can in front of him. I'll have a lot more practice with that soon since my friends Angela and Veronica are due in June and July, respectively. I can't wait!
We got to hear the baby's heartbeat and all is well! My blood pressure is good. I've been a little concerned about that because I'm not taking any meds for it this time, like I did with Xander, and the doc said he will keep an eye on it in case it gets high. I've had chronic hypertension for a few years and went off my meds to try to regulate it with exercise about a year and a half ago. It's been good since then, but I wasn't sure how pregnancy would affect it. So far, so good!
I go back to the doctor on May 31 and we'll have an ultrasound at that time and hopefully find out the sex of the baby! I can't believe it's coming up so quickly!
Xander still doesn't have much understanding of what this is all about. He still points to his own tummy when I ask him where the baby is, but he's at least getting used to the idea of us talking about a baby. I've been holding babies as often as I can in front of him. I'll have a lot more practice with that soon since my friends Angela and Veronica are due in June and July, respectively. I can't wait!
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Outside times
We have enjoyed this beautiful weather immensely! Church on Sunday was actually at the park. Our building wasn't available on Sunday, so we decided as a church to have fellowship time in the park. It was gorgeous! We all brought picnic lunches, played volleyball, threw footballs and kicked soccer balls, played on the playground and visited with all our friends. It was a great day.
Yesterday when David got home we went for a walk as a family. Xander and I had already walked to the pond once that day, but it was even better since we had Daddy. Xander loves pulling his wagon and being pulled in it.
We've played "in the hole" countless times over the past few weeks. That's what Xander calls basketball, his favorite sport. He has a miniature goal outside that he plays with anytime he can.
Today we met Daddy for lunch at work. His building has a rooftop deck that has furniture and a nice view of the Panthers stadium. Xander loves it! We ate out there and then walked around for awhile. Xander wanted to "take a walk" so he kept making us walk from one end of the roof to the other. There really wasn't a much better option for a "walk." Xander and I swung by the park near David's office after lunch. He had such a great time and was such a big boy! He did everything by himself like he was an old pro. He's growing up so fast!
Xander told me this morning, "Mommy, Daddy, Xander together." I said, "Do you like it when we're all together?" He said, "I like Mommy, Daddy, Xander together."
I couldn't agree more. :)
Yesterday when David got home we went for a walk as a family. Xander and I had already walked to the pond once that day, but it was even better since we had Daddy. Xander loves pulling his wagon and being pulled in it.
Today we met Daddy for lunch at work. His building has a rooftop deck that has furniture and a nice view of the Panthers stadium. Xander loves it! We ate out there and then walked around for awhile. Xander wanted to "take a walk" so he kept making us walk from one end of the roof to the other. There really wasn't a much better option for a "walk." Xander and I swung by the park near David's office after lunch. He had such a great time and was such a big boy! He did everything by himself like he was an old pro. He's growing up so fast!
I couldn't agree more. :)
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