Tuesday, April 24th, marked Amelia Jayne's half birthday! She's six months old now. It's so hard to imagine that she's not a newborn. Not even close to being a newborn really. I consider up to three months a newborn and she's twice that now...wow. Sigh.
Amelia Jayne visited the doctor for her 6-month well visit. She got three shots and one oral vaccine. :(
She was very sad this time. I mean, really sad. But I nursed her directly after the shots and that helped her feel better.
Here are her six-month stats:
Weight: 16 pounds, 5 ounces (59%)
Length: 26.5 inches (78%)
Head Circumference: 16.5 inches (36%)
As compared to Xander's at six months:
Weight: 15 pounds, 12 ounces (20%)
Length: 26.25 inches (45%)
Head Circumference: 17.5 inches (70%)
Her second tooth popped through about 3 weeks ago. I can't feel any other noticeably large bumps in her mouth right now, but those other teeth must be chomping at the bit (pun intended) to make an appearance because she's quite the drooler and chewer. :)
She's still getting cereal twice a day and we'll be adding in some fruits and vegetables over the next few weeks. We let her gnaw on an apple the other day which she seemed to enjoy. Then we put applesauce in her cereal this morning and she refused to eat it. I guess apples may take some getting used to. Weird since that's one of the only fruits her brother loves. I mentioned to her doctor that the cereals seem to be constipating her and he recommended we give her the "P" fruits (peaches, pears and plums). Apparently those help that issue. I hope so! However, with the experience I had with Xander and prunes, I'll be very careful about how much of those she gets. :)

I know I say it every time, but she absolutely LOVES her brother!! Her face lights up anytime he's near and she giggles when he gets in her face. She especially loves for him to run up to her, get right in her face and then run away again. She thinks that's the most hilarious thing she's ever seen. And it's downright adorable to see the love she has for him.
Her favorite toy is a stuffed soccer ball that actually belongs to Xander. She loves when you throw it to her and it hits her in the face or stomach. She'll grab it and pull it to her while burying her face in it. She giggles and smiles so big when she sees it. Maybe she'll be a soccer player?
She's sitting extremely well. In fact, the doctor was shocked to hear how long she's been sitting (for over a month now) and noticed on her 6-month questionnaire that she's quite advanced, especially physically. But how could she not be? She wants so badly to do everything her brother does! He's great incentive for her to get moving.
She's found her voice recently. She shrieks and squeals a lot of the time now. Depending on Xander's mood, he'll either join in and they'll have screaming conversations, or he gets really upset and tells her not to yell in the house and to use her inside voice. Ha! I guess he's heard that before!
She's still just the sweetest thing and I'm so very blessed to have such a beautiful, curious and fun little girl!
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