Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers
I know, I know.
How many times can you read one book? Well, I could read this particular book more times than I care to admit. I actually haven't read it since Xander was born, so it's been a few years. I used to read it about once a year, so I think I've read it about 6 or 7 times. It's that good! It is my all-time favorite work of fiction. Ever.
I told a co-worker about it recently and she is going to use it in her book club. I love when I recommend this book and people read it. I've never had someone say they don't like it. It's a go-to gift for me to give to a friend and always my first recommendation if someone asks for a fiction novel. I love it!

Strengths Finder 2.0 by Tom Rath
Good information. I found it interesting and mostly accurate. You should try it!
The 17 Day Diet by Dr. Mike Moreno
This has been very helpful in my health-minded approach to living. I stuck with it to a "T" for the first 17 days and lost 11 pounds. I've only lost 8 more since then, but I haven't stuck with it as well. I recommend it if you're trying to lose weight!
*Side note: I have not been sticking to it very well over the past 3 weeks. One thing I learned from it though, is that I rely too much on nuts and cheeses, especially for snacks. If I can trade in some of those for fruits and vegetables, I feel better and I'm getting more nutrients. Not that nuts and cheese are bad for you (though some are, and especially portion sizes can be) but it's better for me to eat those in moderation and eat fruits and vegetables more regularly.

Real Marriage by Mark & Grace Driscoll
I read this book last year, but in February, we started reading it in our small group. I re-read a lot of the chapters, but I decided to listen to the podcast on Mark's sermons regarding each chapter. It was a nice supplement to the book. I would definitely recommend reading the book along with it, though. I have to admit that it got long and tedious at times. But it was nice to do in a small group - especially since we broke up girls/guys for some of the chapters. It was a good bonding time for us girls and I think the guys had a pretty nice time, too.

Unglued by Lysa TerKeurst
Ahh. For the emotionally-charged woman this is a must-read. I've learned a lot about being an exploder and a stuffer, and how I'm both and neither and everything all at once sometimes, too. As someone who struggles with emotions and how to react, respond and deal with them, while embracing them, too...I recommend this book.

The Cove by Ron Rash
I don't read too many literary fiction novels. I started reading this book because it was set in NC and looked like an interesting topic. The description was intriguing and, though the book itself had moments of intrigue, it was a tad slow for my taste. As far as literary fiction goes, though, I would recommend it.

The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society by Mary Ann Shaffer and Annie Barrows
Another piece of literary fiction. This, like The Cove, is set in the '40's. I do love some historic fiction, so maybe that's where these titles are coming from? I don't know. But wherever this book came from, may I say, I am incredibly glad I stumbled across it. It is fantastic! I was only a few pages in when I knew I must immediately share this with my aunt - funny that the authors are an aunt/niece combo. I had no idea until after I sent her the recommendation. She read it and loved it, too. I only told her about it last week, but that's how she rolls. I love that about her.
Amazing book. One of my favorites of all time. Please check it out. You won't regret it.
Loving the Little Years by Rachel Jankovic
A short read - appreciated by mothers of little ones everywhere. I enjoyed this book. I didn't care for her style of writing at times and I didn't always agree with everything she said, but she makes some valid points and I took some things from this that will certainly help me in my parenting. She has four kids under 5 years of age. I only have two. I admire and commend her for writing a book about it. :) Definitely check it out if you have little kiddos.
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