November is full of opportunities to give thanks. Not only do we have a holiday solely dedicated to that, but Veteran's Day is also part of this month. My kids and I spent Veteran's Day with my Dad and Karen this year. It was nice to see them and get to spend an uninterrupted day away from all the cares of this world. And the reason we were able to do that is thanks to our Veterans and current military personnel. With all the events that occurred in France, I am more thankful than ever for our soldiers this year. #peaceforparis
I started a wonderful practice that I plan to continue until these verses are written on my heart!! It will definitely be part of my new year and beyond. Anyway, I found a blog that offers monthly scripture writing. You can find the one for this month here. Even though I have been a Christian for many years now I still struggle to know what to read in my Bible if I'm not in the middle of a study. I have to say that I've gone back to these scriptures a half dozen times to share with friends who are hurting, saddened or rejoicing over happy things over the past couple of weeks and even referred back to them for myself - and today is only the 17th! What a great blessing this has been already. Here's the link for every month. So thankful for this!
David and I celebrate 11 years next Friday. Black Friday for everyone else will be golden to me. This might possibly be one of my favorite days of the whole year. I love my man and I love having the opportunity to remember committing my life to him. This year we will be taking the kids to Mom's house and I get to hang with my hubby for a full 24 hours, uninterrupted by anyone except the love of my life. #thankful #inlove
I'm looking forward to celebrating Thanksgiving day with my dad, Karen, my aunt Karen and aunt Cheryl, my sister and her family, and of course my man and little ones. I'm determined to make the most out of every moment. I keep seeing it more and more each day, but my kids are getting big and time with them is short. I can't wait to have them home with me and enjoy time with family.
I received a sweet and thoughtful package from my bestie yesterday. She is amazing. Not only did she send something for me, but for every member of my family! She color-coded the box and the wrapping, wrote such loving and beautiful things to each of us, and reminded me that we met approximately 20 years ago (August 1995). How is that even possible? What a blessing she is!!
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