One of the most important things to me in life is my friendships. I am so blessed and honored to have friends like Scott and Mindie. Today we participated in their new son, Charlie's, dedication to Christ at Ridge church. What a wonderful event! We had the privilege of being among the first families to ever celebrate BabyD at Ridge last July with our sweet Xander. Having gone through this just a few months ago has allowed me to appreciate the whole experience that much more. The parents of the child to be dedicated are given "homework" - some messages to listen to and questions to discuss as a married couple and parents of this new child. For David and I, we learned a lot about what each of us was anticipating and were able to discuss things that might not have come up in a positive way. Watching Scott and Mindie sitting there with their new son reminded me just how amazing our God is and how truly blessed we are to have our boys. I know they'll look back on this day with fondness just as I did today. I'm reminded that what we have on this earth is truly temporary and all belongs to God - even my son. I'm thankful that He's given me this season to enjoy raising Xander in a godly way and watch him grow up to be a man after God's own heart.
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