Perhaps a new post should be about my awesome family, or at least my sweet son, but I'm going to post instead about my new iPad! What a wonderful Mother's Day present! So I guess, in a way, this post is about Xander since I wouldn't have mother's day without him! :)
This has been an awesome Mother's weekend (not just day!). We spent Saturday with Grandma, Grandpa and Aunt Becky. Grandpa bought a new boat, then we shopped at the mall (one of Grandma's fave things) and went out to dinner. Sunday we spent time with Mimi and Papa over at Aunt Erin's and Uncle Nathan's House. Xander loves his cousins and had a great time, even if he is sick. Unfortunately he has hand-foot-mouth disease. He's quite the trooper, though, and still went along with all our festivities over the weekend - and with a good attitude!
So, that leaves today for me! Xander and David decided I should have my own day, so they're spoiling me all day today. Xander even cooperated by sleeping in late -8am, then David made French toast and we had breakfast together as a family. They gave me my awesome iPad and I've been playing with it all morning! Xander's taking a good nap and we'll all eat lunch together. David's grilling steaks and asparagus for dinner and we're going to the park to play this afternoon. What more could I ask for? What an amazing day!!
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