Monday, May 17, 2010

Work - Every Child Ready to Read, Part I

I've started a new project at work that is a grant-funded program for children in low-socioeconomic families and specific zip codes. It's called the "Jump Start Reading at Home" program. I will see each of my centers (I have two for this specific program) twice a month for story times and once a month for parent workshops. By the end of the six-month program each child will have 15 books to take home and start their own home library. We're following the Every Child Ready to Read @ your library model that teaches early literacy and the six building blocks of reading. These building blocks are vocabulary, print awareness, phonological awareness, print motivation, narrative skills, and letter knowledge.

Vocabulary simply means knowing the names of things.

Print awareness is noticing print, knowing how to handle a book, and knowing how to follow the words on a page.

Phonological awareness is being able to hear and play with the smaller sounds in words.

Print motivation is being interested in and enjoying books.

Narrative skills means being able to describe things and events and tell stories.

Letter knowledge means knowing letters are different from each other, knowing their names and sounds and recognizing letters everywhere.

In the days ahead, and as I provide these story times and workshops to our community, I will share more of how to incorporate these activities in your children's daily activities. It's really very easy...and lots of fun!

This is a picture of me with some of my kiddos - Aubrielle and Mali! The book I'm reading is titled "Pete the Cat" - it's a cute book. Be sure to check it out at your local library!

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