Friday, August 31, 2012


I attended a workshop yesterday at work on how to use some equipment that we have at the library called ReadyANIMATOR. It's a way to make stop motion animation. It's very fun and I think the kids are going to love using it. I'm looking forward to creating a program so I can use it with them.

It consists of some white boards, an iPod touch and the base to set everything up. There are props and materials that come in the box that are to be used in making the film. First we came up with a topic for our story and then created the story itself. Then, using an animation app, we took individual pictures of each movement. At the end we dropped it into iMovie and added music.

Two of my other co-workers and I created this film. We didn't have long to work on it, probably about 15-20 minutes, so it's entirety is five seconds. It makes you appreciate how long it must take to make a full-length movie! :)

Here is another video done by a co-worker at IMG - Rene Kimray did this program with some kids. Here is the final product.

1 comment:

Ani Masi said...

I was surfing the net, looking for more ideas on using the ReadyANIMATOR in library programs...and discovered your blog! It was so great to see you yesterday :).