Thursday, February 7, 2013


This is my advice to you today.
Or tomorrow since it's way too late and your brain's already figured it out for the day.
Dad, Karen, David and I ran in the Popsicle 5k last Saturday in Mocksville. It was super-cold (about 19F) but a lot of fun! I hope David and I are able to enjoy more races with Dad and Karen in the future. Maybe we can convince my sister and my ex-track-star bro-in-law to join us next time. :)
Xander's already planning to be part of the Shamrock Run.
They have a Tots Trot with his name on it. :)
I'm still trying to decide if I want to attempt the 10k or stick with the 5k.
I'll let you know what I decide.
And since I'm linking up with "Thankful Thursdays" I want to say that I'm incredibly thankful for my family who encourages me to be healthy, the ones who cheer from the sidelines and the ones who join in the race with me. I also want to say how thankful I am for my health and the opportunities I have to improve it. I really do enjoy running. :)
Help me remember that, k?

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