I wish I read more books. I LOVE to read! (I work at the library, for goodness' sake!) But one day last week it hit me why I don't read as much as I should or would like to (and I'm not talking about my little munchkins who keep me busy, though they don't help matters any). It's because I read so many articles and blogs (and board books - ha!). They're usually short, so I can get through them in a matter of minutes - while I'm fixing supper, standing in line somewhere, eating lunch at work, during a few minutes when the kids are napping, etc.
So, here are just a handful of the articles and blog posts I've read over the past week or so. I hope you enjoy!
*I could read this post over and over again. In fact, I have read it more than once. And it's prompted me to read Psalm 139:9-14 multiple times this week. This is my favorite part:
I have heard those words hundreds of times, but this time life sparked in them as I looked into the eyes of each kidlet and repeated them. “Did you hear that? The Bible says that you are wonderful.” They smiled back with perfect assurance. And my breath caught just a little, because some days I lack conviction on the part about “I know that full well”. Not regarding them–never! I see God’s fingerprints all over them, and delight in them just because they are my kids and some of the coolest, most lovable people I know. But to “know full well” that I am wonderful? Well, I keep coming across buried doubts about that somehow.
*If ever you want to quit, don't. Read this article and take heart. Be encouraged.
*Good advice for parents out there who want what's best for their kids but can be doing harm to them by keeping them from failing.
*Oh my. Words do not express how much I love this post. Why must we, as Christians, make people feel like outcasts or lesser people than who they are just because they've made mistakes. Haven't we all made mistakes? A few lines from the article:
"It’s likely you would make different choices, if you knew then what you know now, but, darling, don’t make it more than it is, and don’t make it less than it is. Let it be true, and don’t let anyone silence you or the redeeming work of Christ in your life out of shame."
*I like chick-fil-a and I really like Dan Cathy. I admire the way he stands up for his beliefs without belittling or berating others. I read this article last week by the founder and executive director of Campus Pride, Shane Windmeyer. Here is a snippet:
"Dan, in his heart, is driven by his desire to minister to others and had to choose to continue our relationship throughout this controversy. He had to both hold to his beliefs and welcome me into them. He had to face the issue of respecting my viewpoints and life even while not being able to reconcile them with his belief system. He defined this to me as "the blessing of growth." He expanded his world without abandoning it. I did, as well."
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