Monday, May 7, 2012


Today I'm recuperating or at least I'm trying to. I need it after such a long weekend. It was a great weekend, but long since my kids didn't get enough sleep. And neither did I. My sweet kids need to recuperate too. Here's how they do that:

Xander has been talking to me nonstop today. About everything and nothing at the same time. And when my head hurt earlier today and I asked him if we could have some quiet time he stopped for about 20 seconds before he started up again. Most of our conversations have been about cars. Sometimes that makes my head hurt, too. He also wants me to play with him and becomes extremely whiny if I don't. A little while ago I decided to sit him in front of the TV to watch Clifford. Now he's engrossed and not talking incessantly. Why didn't I think to do that earlier?

Amelia Jayne had a 2-hour nap this morning and is currently sleeping again. She's going on 45 minutes this time. And when she hasn't been sleeping she's been insisting I hold her. If not, she cries. The ugly cry. So I pick her up. And attempt to talk to Xander and/or play with him at the same time.

I don't know how much I'm actually recuperating today. I did, however, text David today and told him that I need to go out tonight after he gets home. I told him I was going to the grocery store. Even if that doesn't sound like much fun, it may be just the break that I need.

1 comment:

Kristen said...

Oh we have those days too. So hard and you just need to get out or sit in a hot bath at the end of the day.