Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Dia de los Ninos

Last weekend was our Dia de los Ninos celebration at the library. We celebrated with dancing, singing, Brazilian dancers, Latin American dancers, Zumbini, and esteemed author, Carmen Deedy.

I was honored to meet our guest author, Carmen Deedy. She was fantastic!
You might think that all children's authors are sweet and kind and generous and just love people, but you'd be wrong. I won't name any names, but there have been some doozies who've come through. We've had authors who were drunk (yes!), some who were difficult diva-types, and some who were downright mean to the kids. We've also had some who are dynamic, fascinating, personable and relatable. That's who Carmen Deedy is. She was so passionate and inspiring. I am so thankful I got to meet her. She truly was wonderful! If you ever get a chance to meet her, please do. You won't regret it.

Today is the actual day of Dia! So, celebrate your children today!

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