Thursday, April 17, 2014

This time last year.

I was perusing what I was writing about this time last year. If you have a minute to look back, check out these pictures from this time last year...those sweet kiddos have grown so much!

One of the things I love about this blog is being able to look back and remember. I re-read this post from April 2013 and it made me smile and cry and smile some more. There are so many similarities between what happened last year and what's going on at the same time this year. I've handled some things better and some things worse. I'm learning to let go of some not-so-important things. I'm learning to hang on to what really matters. I'm learning to be more flexible.

At the end of May my parents and in-laws are going on a cruise together to celebrate Ame and Harry's 60th birthdays. I'll have to figure something out with childcare again, but because I have more options and plenty of heads-up, I'm feeling much more prepared to deal with the situation. Way better than I did last year. It still gets me flustered and discombobulated having to break our routine and figure out something different, but I hope I'm doing it with a little more maturity and grace this year.

Through looking back, I'm reminded just how amazing my husband really is. I love that he is so dedicated to his family and to his work. I am so incredibly thankful for him. He doesn't have deadlines this year, but he's making the transition to a brand new job. That's a pretty big deal! And although there is stress involved, he's handling it with ease and grace. I'm so thankful for his example and his attitude.

My kids are growing up. We have a different set of challenges and trials than we did last year, but the ones we had last year are gone. It's not easy, but I feel like it's easier. The kids are growing, getting more independent each week. They don't require quite as much from me. We know each other better. Each day we spend together we're learning each other. That makes it easier for me. Some days are harder than others, but I'm learning to accept those bad days as just that - bad days. And we move on to the next day which is hopefully better than the last.

And the thing that hasn't changed? God's grace is sufficient. It is sufficient now, it was sufficient then and it will forever be sufficient. And His Love endures forever.

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