Sunday, November 18, 2012

Look Whoo's One!

Amelia Jayne's big party was the last Saturday of October. I'm finally getting around to uploading pictures! The battery in my camera was dead, so I had to get these pictures from my mom and it took awhile. :)

My mom and I had so much fun hosting this party together - coming up with a plan, sharing ideas, getting everything made and then pulling it all together. It was great! The weekend was jam-packed, but it was very fun.

Here are the pictures of Amelia Jayne's first birthday party. It was a hoot! :)

Smash cake

Monthly pictures

Oh, and since I missed out on her monthly stats - here they are:
Height: 29.75 in (61%)
Weight: 21 lb (62%)
Head Circumference: 17.24 in (17%)

As compared to Xander's at the same age:
Height: 29.5 in (42%)
Weight: 25 lb, 10 oz (86%)
Head Circumference: 19 in (93%)

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